Atlanta Facials - Custom Holistic Facial 

The Holistic Atlanta Facial experience is customized to all your personal wellness needs. 

Our esthetician will prepare the custom masks during the session to ensure the use of fresh ingredients for your experience. The Holistic Facial is tailored to you after a thorough analysis to give your skin exactly what it has been missing. 

Theres so much more to your Atlanta spa treatments than just feeling great. Most skin-care experts have reached the same conclusion that our skin absorbs roughly 60% of what’s applied to it: if it’s good above, it’s good below. It follows suit that if you wouldn’t consume these synthetic, harmful ingredients in your meals, you certainly wouldn’t apply them to your largest organ in your body, the epidermis. At Heal Thyself Atlanta Spa, we use organic ingredients in our facials and body treatments. We strive to maintain the highest standard of quality ingredients that benefit your body and the world around you.


What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?


Atlanta Massages - Raindrop Therapy