Atlanta Myofascial Release

A Myofascial release massage is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. A steady movement, like kneading and stroking, on the muscles, brings relief. Your Atlanta Myofascial Release treatment will lower pain in your musculoskeletal system, increase the mobility in your joints, and get rid of any unwanted stress in your muscles. 

We have a huge system of connective tissue that runs throughout our body called fascia. Think of this as the glue that holds all else into place. At Heal Thyself Atlanta, we identify what areas of your body are tight, and address 

those areas with pressure by rolling techniques special to the Myofascial treatment. You’ll be leaving your Atlanta Spa feeling relaxed and rejuvenated in a brand new way!

Book your appointment today.


Atlanta Aging Flawlessly Facial


Come check out our Atlanta Back Facials.