Coming Soon - Heal Thyself Farmer Market!

Soon we will be adding a Farmers Market to our New Location!

Why shop at a Heal Thyself’s Farmers Market?

Have access to fresh, locally grown foods, for starters. That may be one of the best reasons, but there are many more. Farmers markets have fruits and vegetables at the peak of the growing season. This means produce is at its freshest and tastes the best. The food is typically grown near where you live, not thousands of miles away or another country. Shopping at farmers markets also supports your local farmers and keeps the money you spend on food closer to your neighborhood. recently filmed a video to promote the benefits of shopping at farmers markets, featuring a registered dietitian as she talks with farmers and customers at the market.  

Earthly Awareness

We care about shopping local and watching out for the environment and encourage all Vendors to use recyclable goods and ask attendees to remember to bring your reusable shopping bag!

Something New

Our farmer market will feature what’s at the peak of season in our region, so you can often find your favorites, along with new items that will stretch your culinary imagination. Have you ever tasted gooseberries or rhubarb?  Seen a Brussels sprout stalk? Slurped a donut peach?  These are some things you might find (and be able to sample!) at our local farmers market.  Who knows, maybe you will discover some new favorites!

Learn a Farmer’s Secret

On market day, farmers love to share their secrets. First among them are tips on how to prepare fresh offerings, so if you need to know what to do with kohlrabi or are looking for something to bump up your tomato salsa, just ask.

Stock Up On Gifts

Now only does our marketing showcase locally grown food but we also support the arts. Find you next gift for a loved one with some of our amazing product Vendors.

Follow the Rainbow

A great way to eat healthy is to put a spectrum of colorful fruits and vegetables on your plate. They are full of great nutrients, including antioxidants and phytonutrients. The more color variety, the better!

Bring the Kids!

Heal Thyself’s Farmers market is kid-friendly.  Let your kids pick out something new to try. Then, let them help prepare a meal or choose a snack based on what caught their eye.  These cooking resources for kids can help, too.

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What are a few good reasons to shop and eat local foods?


What is the history of yoni steaming?