New Staff and Therapies. Available in April.

GET 20% off your service this April (2020) when you book your Guided Emotional Healing Service.

Inspired by my own healing and the profound effect The Journey Method® has had on me personally, I opened my own private practice as an accredited practitioner over 18 years ago. I believe that teaching and sharing from my own direct experiences enables me to deeply connect with those I am supporting with empathy and authenticity. I have had so many wonderful opportunities to guide courageous clients through various modalities that have helped to uncover and enhance purpose, peace, joy, and wisdom in their lives. I now specialize in offering individualized coaching sessions and programs for my clients, both female and male, children and adult.

Rolene's Guided Emotional Healing and Life Transformation Services, also known as the journey technique, is dynamic, inspirational, and innovative in the field of personal growth and mind-body-healing. This technique allows you to get direct access to your soul, where you’ll find unconditional love, boundless peace, and tap into your essence. Rolene will help you facilitate and access your inner wisdom. Give yourself the gift of awakening your own infinite potential and free yourself from lifelong emotional blocks and limiting beliefs enabling the manifestation of wellness.

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