We are planning our big move!

Our current space at the Beacon in Grant Park has served us well for the last years. But if you’ve ever visited us there we’re certain you found our store a bit, shall we say, “cramped” :-). Thanks to you, we have grown and now need a space that can hold our current and upcoming services.

With that in mind we realized that in order to better serve our customers we simply needed to move to a bigger space. And boy are we doing that!

We are so thrilled to announce that we are moving to a new location soon. We’re not going far however so it will still be very easy to find us. Our new location will be in a stand alone house with lots of covenant parking. If you are interested, follow our social media feed to watch the story unfold.

The most exciting part of our move is how much space we will have. Our new home is a two story house where we will be able to add in a second colonics machine. It is more than four times as big as our current location! This gives us so much flexibility to provide a shopping experience to the healing community unlike you’ll find anywhere else, and we are busy making plans to put together a exciting spa experience that all our customers will love. Look for more details soon, with pictures during construction, etc. Featured above are a few pictures of how the store looks now, before we renovate. So much to do, but so much space to work with!

Follow any of our social media feed to see the progress! We look forward to serving you.


We are teaming with Andersson Gardens!


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