What is an IV Therapy and what should I expect during my visit?

IV therapy is a straightforward procedure. Regardless of the type of IV therapy you are receiving, you can expect the process to be pretty uniform. The nurse administering the therapy will talk you through the procedure. Generally, you will be seated somewhere comfortable for the duration of the therapy. The nurse will disinfect the injection site and place a needle directly in a vein. The IV will typically be placed in the arm, but it is possible to be placed elsewhere. 

Once the IV is inserted, the nurse will check the pump to ensure the rate of delivery is correct. IV therapy can be delivered via a manual pump or an electronic pump. The fluid drips through the catheter and enters your body. Once inside your body, the fluid from the IV bag is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. This method typically delivers medication faster than oral administration. During IV therapy, you need to keep still, so you do not disturb or dislodge the catheter. Aside from that, you can read, watch television or browse on your phone during the process. 

What Fluids and Vitamins Are in an IV Bag?

The fluids inside an IV bag depend on the type of therapy you are undergoing. Intravenous solutions can contain saline, vitamins, minerals and medication. Some common components of IV bags include:

  • Saline: Saline solution is usually the base ingredient of an IV bag. Saline, made up of water and sodium chloride, serves as a delivery system for the other components of your IV therapy. Saline also serves as a way to help hydrate the body.

  • Dextrose: Your IV bag may contain dextrose, which is a type of sugar. Unlike some of your favorite sweet desserts, this kind of sugar is good for you. Dextrose can be used in IV therapy to help normalize low levels of blood sugar. As a sugar, your body can also convert dextrose into energy.

  • Lactated Ringer’s: If you are a fan of medical dramas, you have almost certainly heard the term “Lactated Ringer’s.” This IV solution contains water, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium chloride and sodium lactate. Like saline solution, Lactated Ringer’s can be used as a delivery system for other ingredients. It is also commonly used during surgery and to treat dehydration.

  • Vitamin B: Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-9 and B-12 are collectively known as vitamin B complex. Vitamin B complex is an important element of a healthy diet because it directly contributes to important bodily functions, like your metabolism and nerve function. Vitamin B complex is often delivered via IV therapy for patients who have trouble naturally absorbing vitamins.

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C, another common IV vitamin, is important for a healthy immune system function. If you are sick or feel like you are becoming sick, vitamin C can be a beneficial ingredient in your IV therapy.

  • Calcium: Your IV therapy may include calcium, which is a mineral that we need to stay healthy. It helps build strong bones and teeth. We consume calcium in our diet through foods like dairy and green, leafy vegetables.

  • Magnesium: Magnesium, another important mineral, plays a role in healthy metabolic function. It has a number of benefits, including reducing inflammation, combating leg cramps in pregnant women and even helping to prevent migraines.

  • Antioxidants: Many foods are touted for their high levels of antioxidants, which help protect your body’s cells from a number of different diseases. Your IV therapy may include different types of antioxidants, such as glutathione, or vitamins A, C or E.

  • Antibiotics: In cases of infection, the patient will likely receive antibiotics via an IV bag.

    The Benefits of IV Therapy

IV therapy can be beneficial for many different people for different reasons. Two of the main benefits for anyone who wants to try IV therapy include: 

  • Easy and convenient: If you are feeling unwell, you probably don’t want to head to the hospital or your doctor’s office unless necessary. For many common symptoms, IV therapy is an easy and convenient option. IV therapy is not a complicated procedure. You don’t even have to leave your own home to undergo IV therapy. Sit in a comfortable spot, and we will do the rest. The insertion of the IV is relatively painless, just a small pinch. After it is inserted, you should feel very little discomfort. The IV drip will do its job while you relax, read or work on your device.

  • Health and wellness: For the most part, IV therapy is used to promote health and wellness. The infusion of fluids, vitamins and minerals can help support a healthy immune system, promote healthy skin and keep you hydrated. The right balance of vitamins and minerals in the body can also help improve your energy levels.

    Call us today to learn more about our Atlanta IV Therapy solutions with Rasheeda Freeman, FNP-C.


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