What is Atlanta Energy Healing?

How does Energy Healing work?

Energy Healing is based on the understanding that the human energy field is a dynamic system of powerful influences, in a unique relationship to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We readily accept that our body functions and is powered by energy. Our heart beats using energy pulses. Our brain and nervous system communicate with our entire body through complex energetic pathways. Our human energy field is constantly reacting to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our body.

At Heal Thyself, we practice advanced healing. This type of Energy Healing focuses on the energy field (aura) that surrounds our bodies, organs, and individual cells. Our Healing Practitioners address blockages and open the natural channels of our being at a high vibrational level, so mind, body, and spirit are functioning together optimally. The body can then work to reverse dysfunction and disease through its natural ability to heal itself.

Who can benefit from Energy Healing?

Everyone can benefit from Energy Healing. Whether you have been diagnosed with a physical disease or are experiencing physical discomfort, are struggling with mental or emotional difficulties, or are looking to bring your mind, body, and spirit into alignment, you can benefit from this service. Energy Healing opens you up to a deeper sense of ease, well-being, and purpose, and brings you back to your true self.

It is supportive for patients in all phases of traditional medical care and treatment. It is effective as an independent therapy and is also extremely successful as an adjunct therapy to traditional healthcare. 

How does Heal Thyself differ from other types of healing, such as reiki?

Our Healing is distinctive from other types of Energy Healing in that practitioners are skillfully capable of moving fluently throughout the human energy field to clear blocks and restore function. Our work is contactless and therefore includes accessing an energetic part of the physical body, which is a unique and vital aspect of healing.  This acts as a matrix precisely connecting the energies of the outer levels of the field with the physical body on a cellular level.

Another significant focus of this healing is on the emotional and spiritual influences that may contribute to the patient’s illness and subsequent recovery. Our healing sessions help reveal the energetic interrelatedness of all aspects of health and well-being.

What happens during a session?

Our Healing Practitioner will meet with you and discuss your intentions and expectations for healing. Then, you relax on a massage table, fully clothed, and experience the energy work. Our Healing Practitioners work on an energetic, vibrational representation of your body, organs, and cells. This means it is a non-touch therapy, but many people experience meditative states, peaceful sleep, or awareness of the work during the session. Afterward, you will talk with the Healing Practitioner about what came up during the session and ways to maintain the healing.

Book your session with one of our Atlanta Healing Practitioners today.


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