Why get a facial in Atlanta?

Heal Thyself offers Atlanta, Georgia a complete spa in the comfort and convenience of our facility. The sun, sweat and smog of summer can do a number on your skin. And when it comes to getting your skin back into shape, a right facial can do the trick. That’s why we’ve pulled together a list of some of the city’s latest and greatest options for giving your face the love it deserves. Behold, three reasons to get an Atlanta spa facial with Heal Thyself!

Get Pampered by the Top Beauty & Wellness Experts in Atlanta

  • Fully Vetted Beauty Professionals

  • Extensively Experienced

  • Covid-19 Safety Protocols

As non-surgical medical aesthetic professionals, we support the gold standard in self-care. Our mission is to create skin that is organic, healthy, vibrant, and youthful, which is our definition of skin health.

We offer a wide range of medical-grade skin care that is for everybody in the Atlanta area. Our treatments are custom designed to help rejuvenate and repair damaged skin. In addition, our expert estheticians have​ traveled internationally to ensure that we offer the best skin care products on the market that are both cruelty free and results driven.

Book a facial with one of our team members today. We look forward to working with you.


With all the city stress, have an amazing Atlanta Massage.


What should I expect from my Heal Thyself Facial?