Womb Massages and Detox Wraps.

Are you suffering from PMS? Closed or Scarred Fallopian Tubes?

Lack of Blood Flow to the Womb?, Fibroids?, Ovarian/Uterine Cysts?

Then you are a perfect client to receive a Womb Massage and Detox Wrap. This 90 minute session begins with a back and abdominal massage with specially blended oil containing sesame and castor oil as the base with lavender, geranium, clary sage, neroli, and rose essential oils. The massage may provide stress relief, PMS relief, shrink fibroids and cysts, improve digestive functioning, spiritually connect you to your womb, and many more benefits. 

Then your practitioner will apply warm bentonite clay which is mixed with marshmallow root, comfrey, calendula, grounded flax seeds, slippery elm, and castor oil. This clay wrap may improve circulation, stimulate cellular health, remove heavy metals, remove toxins, provide trace minerals, eliminate harmful bacteria, break-up fallopian tube scarring and many more advantages. (Are you suffering from breasts tenderness or benign fibrocystic breasts? Breast massage and wrap can be added to the session as well!)

While the wrap is applied for 30 minutes, your practitioner will give a Reiki and foot reflexology session to further relax and stimulate healing. At the end of the session, your practitioner will clean up the clay; educate you on home care, and depending on the reason for this service suggest how often to come in. 

We are happy to be on your journey towards whole healing!

By Rennetta L. Mulkey, LMT


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