Your Atlanta Reiki massage.

Your Atlanta Reiki massage is a healing technique with an emphasis on energy-work. A massage can leave you feeling alleviated and re-energized at the same time. This feeling is brought on by the work being done to your muscular system as well as your oxygen and blood paths while simultaneously allowing the flow of “Chi,” or the life force energy that flows through every living thing. 

Reiki, a Japanese healing method, does just that—manipulates and balances the energy surrounding your body. Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan in the early 20th century and is based on the idea that your Chi can be manipulated. Traditional massages involve sometimes strenuous muscle work, however the majority of your Atlanta Reiki massage will involve little to no contact to your skin and sometimes merely the proximity of the healer’s hands to particular parts of the body. 

Your Reiki massage will be a combination of reiki and massage to create-relaxation on an energetic and muscular level. A reiki massage therapist-gently moves hands just above and on the body, helping reduce stress, relieves the tension of muscles and connective tissues, and promotes healing-by encouraging a healthy flow of energy.


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